Hilton Head Island has restaurants to cover every taste, whether it's the local seafood, some genuine Southern cooking, high class meals, or something a little more exotic.
American Eating
The Wild Wing Cafe
Seafood Restaurants
Alexanders Restaurant
Charley's Crab
The Crazy Crab
Hudson's Seafood
The Old Oyster
Southwestern Cuisine
Santa Fe Cafe
Antonio's Restaurant
The Mellow Mushroom
Stack's Breakfast
Signes Bakery and Cafe
Wholly Cow
After eating you might want to use one of the fitness centers or gyms on Hilton Head.
Breakthrough Fitness Center
Golds Gym
Healthquest One of the Lowcountry LLC
In Hilton Head you will not be disappointed in the restaurants. The dining choices will satisfy all ages and occasions. The seafood is among the finest in the southeast and some of the best in the entire Lowcountry. There are plenty of ethnic restaurants including Mexican, Japanese, Greek, and Italian. Of course, don't forget about the steak, hamburgers, and even grand breakfasts that serve stacks of scrumptious pancakes.
The restaurants on this site have actually been visited by our website developers giving our reviews an advantage over other sites. We inform you of our experiences and take original photographs making us different than other travel destination sites.
Whether you are looking to drink some margaritas, eat some oysters, or grab a hot dog, you will love the assortment of themed food spots that add to the spirit of Hilton Head Island.