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Golf Schools and Instruction

Aside from being a popular town of golf school getaways, Hilton Head offers great golf schools with profound teaching staffs who sincerely care that you improve. They offer comprehensive teaching environments that allow you to work and have fun at your own pace, whatever your age or level of ability! Beginners and intermediates, as welcome as low handicappers, take advantage of these elite schools.

Golf Academy of Hilton Head
Golf training facility offers daily programs, three- and four-day golf school packages, all taught by PGA instructors.
Sea Pines 843-785-4540

Golf Instruction at Sea Pines Sea Pines 843-363-4475

Golf Instruction at Shipyard Shipyard 843-348-5078

The Hilton Head Island School of Golf Port Royal 1-800-348-5078

The Island Golf School
They offer professional instruction for all ages and skill levels. On-Course instruction is included each day with your instructor.

International Junior Golf Academy.
Since the Academy's inception, IJGA has committed to accomplishing a single goal: to prepare junior golfers for success in tournament golf, university academics and life

Hilton Head Island

junior golf academy

International Junior Golf Academy
The Academy is committed to accomplishing a single goal: to prepare junior golfers for success in tournament golf, university academics and life. We succeed when we instill in student athletes a sense of purpose and perspective. Golf is important, but development of a great golfer without proper academic and life habits would be considered a failure for the student and the academy.
International Junior Golf Academy

driving ranges

Adventure Cove Family Fun Center
Folly Field Road

Ocean/Sea Marsh Pro Shop
100 N. Sea Pines Dr.